Saturday, May 29, 2010

Camping and Sticking to Schedules-Does it Work?

Last week we went on our first camping trip of the season. Not only was it the first trip of the season but two of Baby A's friends were with us with their parents. Prior to this trip, Baby A was always the only little person there. This could be a different experience. Would we stick to the routines? Of course WE would but would she? I figured she would but you never know when there are other little people around. It could get challenging. Dad and Uncle went out early Friday to secure us a good camping spot. Baby A, me, Aunt, and Friend drove out together. We didn't leave our place until 5. I knew that getting there by Baby A's bedtime, 7:30, would be a challenge. She would want to run a round a bit. By the time we got there it was just after 7:30. Pretty much all camp was set up, but I had a few things to get done for her before she went to bed. We were flexible a bit on this night. We let her play with her friends for a bit. By the time she got to bed it was 8:30, an hour later. She did fine, fell asleep quickly, and slept all the way through the night. No she did not sleep longer, but she woke up and played for a bit before dad and I moved.

Next day was a fun filled day in the sun and wind. Nap time came. All the girls went down at the same time and believe me, she was ready. She was tired and is so used to napping at that time she doesn't even fuss. Now when we camp, dinner doesn't tend to be made early for the adults, but we tried. By the time we ate dinner it was 7:00 on Sat. night. 30 min. to eat and get to bed? Nearly impossible. When it was time, we made our rounds and she happily said her goodnights to everyone, including her friends. We got into the crib by 7:45 and she was out. 15 min. late, not so bad and no fuss from her.

We are so proud of her and how she handles her routines. Rarely do we have any fussing. She knows when it is her bedtime and she is ready for it!

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